Thursday, March 1, 2012

What do you have to offer the millions readers who will join your Blog Empire

Let’s take a look at what you want to build. The first step in that process is looking at who you are, what and who you know, and what you love. What do you have to offer the millions of potential readers who will join your Blog Empire while they sip their morning coffee?
To find out we’re going to answer the most important question for your future success: where you’re going to build your capitol, the headquarters of your own Blog Empire. Basically, we’re going to brainstorm and free associate. There are no right answers, no wrong answers, and nothing is too crazy to write down at this point. Remember, if you love it, someone else probably loves it, too.

Take out a blank sheet of paper and get a nice, tall drink. Then answer the following questions as best as you can. Some, like your age, may seem silly or irrelevant. Some you may simply not have an answer to. That’s perfectly all right. Just be as thorough as you can.
Question 1: Who are you? What is your age? What is your gender? What is your race? Are you religious? Are you a dazzling urbanite, a laid-back rural, or something in between? Do you think about these issues every day? Do they matter to you or to your friends? HOW do they matter? What languages do you speak? If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Try that last one again, honestly this time.
Question 2: What do you know? What and who do you know? Where have you gone to school? Where do you work and what do you do? In what areas are you an expert?
Who else shares your love, your passion, your expertise? What work, education, or hobby-related areas could you be said to have a reputation? What do you have a reputation for?
Question 3: What do you want to know? When you log onto the internet, where is the first place you go? What are you looking for? What do you expect to find? How long does it take you to find it? Is everything in one place? How many sites do you visit before you’re satisfied? What do you WANT a reputation for?
Question 4: What are you passionate about? What makes your blood boil? What makes you jump up and click your heels? Have you ever written a letter to the editor?
What was the subject? Did you check the paper every day for responses? What politicians or issues do you love enough to walk door-to-door for? Why? If you were king, what would be the first thing you’d do? If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you’d buy?
Assess your skills and knowledge:
Next, we’re going to examine some skills that are necessary in order to create certain types of blogs. Be as honest (even as harsh) as you can in your self-appraisal. Remember, if you really can’t write well, your readers are going to know. If you can create first-rate artwork, now is not the time to sell yourself short.
I can write: very well / pretty well / are you kidding?
My writing has been published by others: Y / N
My sense of humor can be described as: dry / sarcastic / ironic / witty / are you kidding?
I can write well in the following languages: _________________________________
I can program computers using the following languages: ______________________
I have written computer programs that are in use by others Y / N
I can create professional quality artwork: Y / N
I have used the following graphics packages: ______________________________
I have taken the following arts or graphics classes: __________________________
My artwork is currently being used by others Y / N
Extra Credit:
I’m consistently surprised that people ask my opinion about: __________________
I have a million stories about: ___________________________________________
I know more than anyone else about: _____________________________________
People would pay for my knowledge about: ________________________________
Now, look over all your answers and pick the category where most of them fit best: __Artistic __Business __Hobby __News __Political __Rant __Reference
__Society/Culture __Spiritual __Other:______________
For example, if you are passionate about technology and know more than anyone else about RS-232 serial interfaces, then a technology blog may be the beginning of your Blog Empire. If you are fanatical about gun rights or racism or personal privacy, but can’t write, then a news or reference blog may be right up your alley.
If your skills overlap multiple categories, that’s ok as well. You may be able to create a category that no one else has tried! But pick your category carefully: the success of your blog empire is going to depend on whether you can consistently offer your readers the content that they will return again and again for. Your mental health will depend upon whether you love it enough to stay the course.


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