Friday, June 15, 2012

Egypt possessed the newest American free blogging site "BLOGRAINS.COM"

Egypt possessed the newest American free blogging site "BLOGRAINS.COM"

Finally we know there is 14 million dollars transferred from Egypt to USA this week as part of the sale of the U.S. blogging site Blograins
Unlike the usually money transfer which moving from US to Egypt as a part of US aid to Egypt economy this one became very deferent when an Egyptian company bought blograins in one cash act and who knows what will come next 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Earning and Protecting Your Reputation BLOGS

Whether or not your brand is relevant to your content, it will quickly develop one relevant attribute: a reputation. Everyone who reads your blog will come away with an impression, either good or bad. They will like it or not. Surprisingly, that’s not the most important issue for your Blog Empire, because no reader, not even your most loyal, is going to like or agree with everything you say. The important issue is whether that reader believes your blog to be important. If a reader does not find a blog important, she will probably not return even if she liked a story or two: there are simply too many other blogs to see. If a reader finds your blog insightful, entertaining, and relevant, she will return even though she disagrees with your commentary or doesn’t like your layout. In order to be a serious empire, your blog must exude seriousness. That doesn’t mean your subject must be serious, but you must be serious about your subject.

Branding Idea Generator for your blogs

The question immediately arises whether your name needs to be descriptive of your content, and the answer is, unfortunately, “maybe.” Sometimes it helps, as no one going to Red State would expect anything other than GOP-friendly commentary. The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler is descriptive of both commentary and style. Post Secret says everything there is to say about the blog.
On the other hand, many successful blogs have names that are simply memorable. Little Green Footballs, with more than 100,000 visitors a day, is a political blog concerned with the War on Terror. BoingBoing describes itself as “a directory of wonderful things.” Both have memorable names; neither has a meaningful one.
Branding Idea Generator

Develop a Blog Theme like a pro first

Every successful blog has a theme - the idea or subject your blog is about more than anything else - that makes it a go-to site in the minds of readers. In order to make your blog a success you must be able to contribute something unique, and that something is going to make up the theme of your blog. It might be a comical take on the news. It might be in-depth tutorials for a certain software package. It might even be rumors you hear in your daily job as a top-level political analyst. It may be short stories or fascinating photographs. But you have to find that certain something that only you can contribute and that people want to read or see.

What do you have to offer the millions readers who will join your Blog Empire

Let’s take a look at what you want to build. The first step in that process is looking at who you are, what and who you know, and what you love. What do you have to offer the millions of potential readers who will join your Blog Empire while they sip their morning coffee?
To find out we’re going to answer the most important question for your future success: where you’re going to build your capitol, the headquarters of your own Blog Empire. Basically, we’re going to brainstorm and free associate. There are no right answers, no wrong answers, and nothing is too crazy to write down at this point. Remember, if you love it, someone else probably loves it, too.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How the equity markets had changed but the brokers had not

These experiences were far different from the lessons I learned growing up. My father’s attitude toward investing was conservative. He always said to buy blue chips—buy them and hold them. In the long run, he told me, that’s how you make consistent returns.  So when I looked to start a career in finance, I didn’t stray outside the realm of traditional investing. I took an internship at a major firm in Greenwich, Conn. This was my entrĂ©e onto Wall Street.
But even before I started, my perspective had begun to change.  I have always had a contrarian streak, and I had traveled abroad and read much about the history of other cultures. Increasingly, I began to doubt the prevailing wisdom that a patient investor is rewarded over time.

Most amazing Forex case is Odessa at Dusk

In 1994, I was in Odessa, Ukraine, basically touring under the guise of studying world history for my BA. Odessa was in a unique state of flux caused by severe economic crisis. The Soviet Union had collapsed just a few years before, allowing the smaller states around Russia to spin off into independent countries. Odessa was now a part of the independent nation of Ukraine.  As in many newly formed nations, the economic situation was volatile. Between 1992 and 1996, the karbovanet, the Ukrainian currency, was ravaged by hyperinflation and fluctuation. In 1992, one dollar could buy 208 karbovanet. In 1995, that same dollar was worth 147,463 karbovanet.

Forex crises from Thailand to Laos

Thailand taught me the destructive power of the currency markets, but it was in neighboring Laos that I learned it was also an excellent trading vehicle.
I was still in Thailand when my friend and I planned a trip to Laos. While she studied the Let’s Go guide, I scanned the currency prices in the Bangkok Record and on lighted boards outside exchange vendors. The aftershocks of the Southeastern currency crisis could still be felt in Laos. The economy was weak at best.  The country’s currency—the kip—was directly linked to and reliant on Thailand and foreign investment for survival, which didn’t bring more stability. In fact, at the borders of Laos and Thailand the agents would accept only U.S. dollars or baht for entry fees, rejecting their own unstable kip.
As I crossed over the border into Laos in February 2000, one U.S. dollar bought 7,500 kip, one Thai baht bought 200 kip, and 37 Thai baht bought one U.S. dollar. I was a poor student in Southeast Asia, desperate to shave off any cost of living that I could. The currency exchange rate seemed like the ideal way.

Thailand crises with Forex :the secret facts

It was very clear that something devastating had happened. I was sitting in a restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand, enjoying a lunch of noodles and gazing at the city skyline. It looked as if it had been ravaged by a plague or war. Towers stood half-built, dark and empty. Cranes were motionless steel skeletons.  Two years before, Bangkok’s skyline was swarming with workers and alive with movement. The Thai economy was growing at torrid rates, and the land was awash with money. Visitors saw scenes of jarring contrasts in the streets of Bangkok, where an ancient culture had entered the modern era at warp speed.  The rich steered sleek Mercedes past street cleaners riding elephants and peasants tugging water buffaloes to market. Shopping malls, shiny with goods, attracted people from the countryside to gawk and marvel. Some could not grasp the concept of private property upon which the new prosperity had been built. They roasted fish over open fires on the mall’s marble floors until they were shooed away by security guards.

The Sun Never Sets on Forex

Because of its tremendous power in local life, currency rates are regularly monitored all over the world. Outside the U.S., people watch exchange rates like Americans follow the Dow. In Sri Lanka, taxi drivers can reel off exchange rates as well as New York’s foreign exchange desk dealers.
Americans may soon have to as well. As the world becomes
more interconnected, the traditional stability Americans have
enjoyed from their currency may be eroded. The newly introduced
euro might ultimately supersede the U.S. dollar. Many nations rely
on the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency, which helps sustain its value. If nations start using the euro for this role, the U.S. dollar
could be exposed to unprecedented fluctuation. In the fall of 2004, with the U.S. Congress issuing $800 billion in new debt, the market began to question the U.S.’s “risk-free” status, opening the window for other currencies to fill this void.
The Sun Never Sets on Forex
I learned these lessons long before I began to trade currencies myself. They were the result of my travels, when I saw firsthand the role of currencies and their potential for trading. One of the strongest impressions I received was in Thailand in 1999.

Forex plays out in everyday life

It is essential to understand that Forex is a market that plays out in everyday life in a way that other markets do not. A fluctuation in currency value can have an impact on a nation’s social, political, and economic conditions. In extreme situations, a nation’s entire political structure can be shaken to the core.
Because of these high stakes, a government often uses all its
power to control the value of its currency. It may decide that to
protect its private citizens from international traders and stabilize its economy the government needs to control how its currency is
traded. China, for example, has “pegged” its currency to the U.S. dollar, meaning that it has set a tight conversion rate of $1 to 7.27 yuan.  This peg has defied market forces, which are pushing for the yuan to float against the dollar because of the huge trade imbalance between the two countries. But China has kept the peg, worried that simply allowing its currency to appreciate against the dollar would damage its economic growth and possibly throw its tightly monitored society into turmoil.

A tiny notice in this blog

I am sure you noticed that I did not put any ads yet in this blog because of we are building this together and one of my advices is :don’t put ads in your new blog till it became rich continent and have some visitors so I follow this rules as we run step by step together

In Construction of you blog remember that No one Need Blog Alone

If the idea of sifting the news 20 hours a day for blog material gives you the willies, don’t panic: get a partner. One of the most popular blog formats (or rather, the format of many popular blogs) is the multi-contributor blog. I mentioned the Volokh Conspiracy earlier; it’s written by several legal experts who contribute in their areas of expertise to the blog’s main theme. National Review’s “Corner” follows a similar format: NR’s columnists answer reader mail and contribute quips and opinions, making the page a lively read. Creating a multi-contributor blog means that you’ll be sharing your Blog Empire with co-regents, and as history illustrates, this has challenges of its own. But if you share a love of your subject with other experts, you’ll be doing your readers a favor by sharing divergent opinions with them.

Choosing Content That Provides Value to your blogs Empire

Unless you are a successful newspaper columnist or a famous actress who is able to draw hordes of readers by your reputation alone, your blog is going to need a theme. It may be a narrow one, like “Libertarian politics in the Massachusetts Governor’s race.” It may be a broad one, like, “art focusing on life and love.” But whatever your theme, your blog is going to keep readers by presenting them with the valuable content they expect. Not coincidentally, it’s also going to be a theme you love and will not be tempted to stray far from.
Because there are literally millions of blogs available, successful blogs reach one kind of reader, and they do it well. The reason is obvious: a reader who might share your interest in model trains may not share your love of fine wines. He may not care about your vacation in Paris. Unless he’s a personal friend, he may not care about your new car. That means you’re going to have to pick a subject and stick with it. A good starting place is the following list of popular blog categories: political, spiritual, society/culture, rant, business, hobby, technology, art, news, reference.

Deciding What Type of Empire blogs You’ll Build

Unlike historical empires that relied on unique military tactics, advanced technology, and slave labor, your empire will rely on a single person: you. You’ll design it, you’ll build it, and you’ll people it with readers who return to it day after day, becoming in a small sense virtual citizens of your Blog Empire and eventually your happy customers. You’ll use the same tactics as others, but you’ll use them more efficiently. You’ll use the same infrastructure as others, but you’ll use it more effectively. You’ll compete with other empires for your readers’ time, and you’ll do so successfully. A Blog Empire is an empire of customer service and you will not only be its ruler, you will be the servant of all who enter it. Sound like fun? It can be, if you design your empire with one person in mind: you.

The Components of a Blog Empire

A Blog Empire, like any other business, is made up of three major components: a supplier, buyers, and the products for sale. But a blog in many cases differs from the average business because you are bringing together two sets of customers and delivering two sets of products. And you’re not even selling the main item you produce.
Sound confusing? It’s really not. Let’s take a look at the component parts and illustrate just how simple it is.
The first component is a supplier. That’s you. It is your words, your opinion, your research, and your art which can bring thousands or even millions of readers to your blog. You will be the attraction, the broker, and the Emperor of your Blog Empire. If it 8
weren’t for you, the blog wouldn’t exist. Because of who you are, what you know, and what you do, it can thrive.
The second component is a buyer, a customer. While the vast majority of your customers will be your readers, other customers will include companies that pay you to feature their links and advertisements on your blog. “Traffic” (those millions of readers out there who care about what you say) is the lifeline of your site: you’ve got to find them and bring them in. Once they are there, your advertising customers will pay for access to your reading customers, and your reading customers will pay for your information and merchandise.

The Blog as a Business not small potatoes

Most blogs are small potatoes. The vast majority are online journals where teenagers talk about their lives to a readership made up of their closest friends. A growing minority, however, are businesses in and of themselves. They balance costs and income; they purposely seek out content providers, advertisers, and paying customers. They make a profit. They are, in fact, Blog Empires, ruling over a reader-defined section of the blogosphere as the go-to site for millions who come to get the news, buy promotional merchandise, and donate money to keep their favorite bloggers fed and happy.

The New Media and bloggers blogs

In September of 2004, the CBS News program “60 Minutes II” ran a special on President George Bush’s service in the Texas National Guard during the Vietnam War. One of the pieces of data they displayed was a memo allegedly written by the late Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B. Killian. As soon as the memo flashed across the screen, the New Media began an investigation that would lead to in the firing of three CBS News executives and the retirement of longtime anchor Dan Rather.
At issue was a simple question: was the memo authentic? CBS News assured the public it was, citing handwriting and document experts. Within 24 hours, the New Media had shown that such was not the case, that the memos could not have been produced on any machine in the hands of the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam era. The New Media quickly demonstrated that the proportional spacing of the memo and the superscripting of dates were nearly impossible to create on 1970s technology and that the layout of the memo was unlike anything produced at the time. In short, they showed that the memo was not created on a Texas National Guard typewriter as CBS News had alleged, but was instead produced on a modern computer using Microsoft Word on its default settings and faxed or copied repeatedly to make it look old. They showed, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the memo was a fake.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What AdSense really is?

Now that we know how Google AdSense program is placed in the world of online advertising, let’s delve a bit deeper into the concept of ‘AdSense’ and understand what it is about and how people make money by using this concept.  AdSense is a wonderful advertising concept that was conceived by Google some time back. Though new advertising concepts keep coming up all the time, this one is something that is altogether different.
AdSense (Google’s advertising program) presents an earning opportunity to the website owners by allowing Google to post advertisements on their websites.  These advertisements are either text advertisements or image based advertisements. Of course, the website owners need to enroll to the AdSense program through Google’s website ( Google AdSense program requires you (the website owner) to include a piece of code (a programming script) on your website. You can add this piece of code anywhere in the html code of your website i.e. depending on where you want to position the advertisements (however, there are certain rules that you must follow while pasting this scripting code). This piece of code is what determines the structure of advertisements and their content (and this is what helps Google in floating the advertisements on your website). 

AdSense’s Place in the Online Advertising World

Let’s start our journey in the world of Google AdSense by first understanding how the online advertising came into being and how Google AdSense is place with respect to the other online advertising concepts:
Soon after the advent of internet, it was realized that the website real estate (or the space on websites) had commercial value in the advertising world. The simple reason behind this was the soaring popularity of internet and the increasing number of eyeballs received by various websites. Thus, internet advertising (or online advertising) came into being. Today, internet advertising is treated as one of the most effective and most economical means of advertising.  In fact, a lot of businesses, especially small businesses, use only this (affordable) medium for advertising their products and services. As technology progressed, so did the online advertising methodologies. Graphics based banner Ads and text Ads got their due recognition and were used quite extensively for online advertising. Even now banner advertising is one of the most popular forms of online advertising.

The secret lies in various online advertising programs

The secret lies in various online advertising programs the secret lies in various online advertising programs. And one of the most popular programs is the ‘ADSENSE’ PROGRAM. AdSense program works by serving ‘targeted’ ads on websites. Whenever someone visits your website, those ads are displayed and you earn $$$$s. If someone clicks on those Ads, you again earn $$$$s. This means that once you have setup your website with AdSense ads, the flow of revenue is automatic without you doing anything else. Of course, if you do a little bit of tracking and performance analysis of your AdSense ads, you can enhance your profits many times.  AdSense is an online advertising program that is run by Google (the specialists in search engine technologies). This program is different from the other advertising programs in the sense that here the ads are served based on the content of the website. 


This is the most guaranteed ways to make money with Adsense (and other ads network) so keep in mind that it all the same even names are deferent
1.   Blend the color of your ad with the page background: This is the most obvious tip repeated around the internet for ages. Basically, you just need to keep the border color and the background color the same as the color of the background where the ad lies. There might be a problem if your website has a page background gradient, in that case you should try putting it in a bordered container Match the color scheme of the ad with the color scheme of the web page: If your blog/website has boxes with white background and gray border then create an ad with the same color scheme to show that the ad is a part of the page and make it blend in with the template.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Search Engine Optimization for Blogger Blogs part 4 The Link Power of Blogs

Much of the search engine optimization power of blogs is through their extensive linking networks. Blog owners are free and generous linkers. They link to other blogs permanently, usually from the high PageRank home page, and freely link to what they consider interesting blog posts. Not only are posts linked frequently by other bloggers, but the on page link is often from a post to a post. As a bonus, the link is usually dripping with important keywords and phrases.  Links from other blogs tend to be very theme relevant in content, as bloggers link to articles, blog posts, and other blogs that are of interest to themselves and to their readership. One way incoming links are a very frequent event for bloggers.  Reciprocal blog links donĂ¢€™t appear to be discounted by Google or the other major search engines, as the exchanges are usually between theme related blogs.  Blog owners should, however, exert some level of caution, regarding link exchanges with non-theme relevant blogs, as those incoming links might not receive full value.

Search Engine Optimization for Blogger Blogs part 2 Search Engine Power of Blogs

Contrary to what many people believe, Google does not give preference to blogs hosted on Blogger, despite Google’s ownership of the popular blog service.  As a result, bloggers using the Blogger hosting system are on even footing with bloggers using other free or paid blog hosting services, and with blogs hosted under an owned domain name, or as part of an owned domain website. The playing field for optimization is as level as possible for bloggers using a subdomain of Blogger, and for other bloggers as well.
Blogs rank well in the search engines by their very nature. They are regularly updated with keyword rich content. Most blog writers stick to a main theme for their blogs making relevance easy. Because of the blog’s versatility, the blogger can add more themes to the blog and tie them together, enabling a blog to maintain several strong themes.

Free Blogger hosting for your blog

Blogger enables you to host your blog on their server for free. As a very simple use interface system, even a novice with absolutely no programming or blogging experience of any kind, can be fully operational in a matter of minutes. The procedure for starting a blog is very simple, and takes only minutes to complete.  The Blogger server offers the choice of having a free standing blog as a separate website, or the option of writing your daily posts on the Blogger interface, and file transfer them to your existing website via the built in FTP feature.  Blogger provides a choice of pre-written templates for the blog layout, but all of them are changeable to include different color combinations and page formats.  Blogger freely permits the use of third party add on features, including commenting systems, track back, visitor counters, RSS site feeds, and most scripts often seen incorporated into traditional websites.  Note that Blogger offers all of those necessary blogging functions, including a site feed through Atom, with the exception of track back, in its blogging service package. Other third party feeds can be freely added to the Blogger template. I use several on my blogs.

Search Engine Optimization for Blogger Blogs part 1

Optimization for Blogger hosted blogs – Blogs are the fastest growing class of websites on the internet. No longer the sole domain of teenagers and the love lorn, blogs are now an established form of internet communication.  The online business community has recently discovered the power of blogging, and as such are faced with raising the blog siteĂ¢€™s ranking in the search engine results pages (SERPs). As a direct result of some of the blog characteristics, high search rankings are readily available for the careful blog writer.  Like any other website, blogs have techniques for search engine optimization (SEO), many of them the same as for traditional static websites, and many of them unique to blogs. Among the issues faced by some bloggers is the abundance of free blog hosting sites.

Why Google Sites Is the Right Way to Do Things

We mention in the previous section that Google Sites incorporates the best aspects of Web page, wiki, and file sharing technology into an easy-to-use online tool. But choosing Google Sites is about more than playing with a shiny new service — it’s also about saving you time and money. In this section, we share with you our two cents, just in case you’re not already convinced that Sites is the way to go.

The first thing you notice with Google Sites is Google’s trademark simplicity.  Although other services may have more bells and whistles, Google Sites keeps it simple and gives you the features you need to get your work done without making you master a whole new complicated set of tools and features.  With Google Sites, you can focus more on coordinating group activities to accomplish your tasks and less on figuring out all the extra stuff. Plus, you get all the training you need from this blog. Now that’s simple!
Google Sites is free. Talk about saving money. You don’t have to invest in expensive servers and software. All you need is an Internet connection and a Web browser, either of which you could get free at your public library, if you wanted.

Comparing Google Sites to Other Team Sites

We’re assuming that because you’re reading this blog, you’re leaning toward using Google Sites. In case you’re curious, however, here’s how the others compare.

Microsoft Office Live Workspace:
Microsoft Office Live Workspace ( — a free service that’s probably the most similar to Sites — offers users the ability to share files easily and to comment on projects, as shown in Figure 1-3. Unlike Sites, however, there’s no Web page tool, so creating a wiki site isn’t part of the package.
The main advantage to using Office Live Workspace is that if you use Microsoft Office, you can download a plug-in that gives you easy access to save your Office documents directly to the site. Office Live’s big brothers, Groove and SharePoint, offer additional features for larger companies but also require expensive servers and software.
To use Office Live Workspace, you need a Windows Live ID and password, which you can get free at

What You Should Know before You Start your Google site

Before you can use Google Sites, you must first have a Google Account or Google Apps account. A Google Account gives you access to a whole bunch of other free Google online services, such as Google Calendar (, where you can track your appointments and events, Blogger (, which lets you create your own blog, Picasa Web Albums (, where you can share your photos online, and Google Docs ( If you don’t have an account, blog shows you how to sign up.

Like many other services offered by Google, Sites is a perpetual beta. This means that the clever Google engineers are always improving the way Sites works by adding new features and changing ones that aren’t as helpful. If the screen looks somewhat different from the figures that you see in this blog, it’s okay. The same basic idea should still apply.
To help you understand all that Google Sites has to offer, let us introduce you to three key definitions: Web pages, wikis, and file sharing.

Getting Started with Google Sites and Chrome

GOOGLE Sites ( is a great online information buddy. After all, buddies watch out for their friends — and Sites will help take care of you. With a little thought and a few clicks, Google Sites can help you, your friends, and your co-workers stay on top of projects, meetings, classes, events, clubs, teams, causes, fundraisers, schedules, vacations, or anything else you can think of. Google Sites fills three related functions:
✓ Creates dynamic Web pages with a few clicks ✓ Constructs wikis for your users on any topic you may need ✓ Generates dynamic file sharing tools on the fly In this blog , we show how Google Sites can be very helpful to you, what that word wiki means, and how Google’s many online apps and gadgets can make your life much simpler. 

Using Google Sites as a pro paid sites

When most people think of Google, the first thing that comes to mind is Internet search. Millions of people around the globe use Google to find information, learn something new, explore issues, or discover answers to tough questions. We assume that you’ve used Google Search before — or at least heard of it. If you want to find out how to be a Google Search expert, you’ve come to the wrong place. We’re interested in the other cool tools that Google creates beyond its powerful search box. Google Sites and Chrome are two such tools.

Just so you know upfront, Google Sites is a free online service that allows you to easily create Web sites with powerful wiki, file sharing, and collaboration tools. Google Chrome is a free Web browser that you download to your computer and use to access Web sites, including your Google Sites. Google Sites & Chrome For Dummies aims to fill the void between what Google thinks is obvious and intuitive and what real people like you need to know to make the most of these two cool tools, including some not-so-obvious tweaks and features.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Using Videos to increase Adsense income

With the increase in web videos and their dramatic rise in popularity, you might be tempted to use videos next to your ads to increase CTR. Nice try, but you’d be wrong to do so, in my opinion. I experimented with this about a year ago and, while it may work in the future, there just aren’t enough people on broadband yet to make it worthwhile now and a long load time is a surefire way to hang yourself before you ever get started.
I didn’t see any increase to my bottom- line and thus, do not endorse the usage of videos at this time. But I still mention it here for the purpose of completeness and hey, I’m an open minded person and I know for a fact VIDEOS will distract the attention of your visitors, and we dont want that, because it will affect our CTR drastically.

Using Images to increase Adsense income

now we’re getting into murky water because this has been known to be the source of many a webmasters’s downfall. Google states that you can place images beside ads provided that:
·        The images are not in anyway related to the ads
·        There is a clear cut border between the images and ads Now, if you ask me, and I’m assuming you are because I make more money doing this and you don’t yet, with these guidelines, Google is practically encouraging you to break the program policies. Think about it for a second.
One AdSense program policy states that you should not draw any undue attention to the ads, yet they don’t disallow placing images near them. Google even went to the extent of testing an Ad Unit which has images on the left for horizontal ads and images on the top for vertical ads. This tells you that you are quite safe to place images near the ads.
Here’s a secret: It will help you to always remember that Google is, by far, the best BlackHatter there ever was. So feel free to experiment with image placement, but when you do so, make sure you add a border in some fashion from it and the ads, and you should be all roses.

Covering the Basics Placements to increase Adsense income

You mean we haven’t done that already? Not even close.  Didn’t I say that a great deal of work went into the development of this blog? This is why you’re reading it, after all anyway!
Here are some basic tips, the 101 of AdSense if you will, which some of you may already be familiar with.  If not, please make sure you implement these before going further.
·        Blend your ads. Set your ad’s background color to be exactly the same color as webpage’s background color.
·        Avoid the 468x60 banner size. Use the rectangular 336x280 size instead. My results have shown that, on average, the CTR using the 336x280 format has been as much as 12 times greater than that of 468x60! Why? Because people know 468x60 is an ad right off the bat.
·        Try to avoid image ads. Use strictly text ads they work better in most cases. Because there more options were the visitor can click.
·        Quickly opt-out of the “Onsite Advertiser Sign-Up”.
·        Link colors. Use the standard blue/green/purple color scheme for your links. People do not see it as a link unless they are in blue/ purple. Extremely important!

Design and Ads Placement

Now we’re ready to start talking technique.  It’s about time, you might be saying. Before getting into the meat and potatoes, I just wanted to make sure you ate your vegetables because I know you would have dumped them in the garbage otherwise.  So, first things first. Good designs are discovered by doing a lot of testing. Make solid use of the tools available to you, such third party tracker to give you an accurate scope of how your designs are performing, one of the best tools is Google Analytics, because it shows you where, what and when people click on your content. It is a process of refinement. Every site will require a different set of parameters and what worked for me with one site, failed with another.  Google Analytics a powerful tracking tool, can be a BlackHatters best friend. Everything from referring domains, dates, houses, ads displayed, ads clicked, format types, directories accessed, keywords, ip addresses, clicksthroughs, and much more can be studied with ease using this application!