Now we’re ready to start talking technique. It’s about time, you might be saying. Before getting into the meat and potatoes, I just wanted to make sure you ate your vegetables because I know you would have dumped them in the garbage otherwise. So, first things first. Good designs are discovered by doing a lot of testing. Make solid use of the tools available to you, such third party tracker to give you an accurate scope of how your designs are performing, one of the best tools is Google Analytics, because it shows you where, what and when people click on your content. It is a process of refinement. Every site will require a different set of parameters and what worked for me with one site, failed with another. Google Analytics a powerful tracking tool, can be a BlackHatters best friend. Everything from referring domains, dates, houses, ads displayed, ads clicked, format types, directories accessed, keywords, ip addresses, clicksthroughs, and much more can be studied with ease using this application!
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