Saturday, February 25, 2012

Nothing in Life Is Completely Free even Google Adsense

I’ll be the first to tell you that I am one of those fortunate people who was able to say “bye bye” to Corporate America a while back thanks to Google AdSense and other online affiliations with my sites.  Life is pretty good, and there’s nothing better than doing what you enjoy and getting paid well to do it. I literally make money while I sleep. That being said, I would never tell you making money online is easy. If I did, I would be lying to you.
But Because I thoroughly enjoy what I do, the amount of hours I’ve put into this over the years has never felt like work. And the day it starts feeling that way, I’ll quit.
My story may sound inspiring to you. But perhaps you don’t want to hear about the not-so-inspiring events that happened on my road to success…
·        The Friday nights I spent glaring at my PC trying to figure out how to do different things on my site.
·        The nights I spent scratching my head trying to figure out how to get my site to ranked high enough in Google to get all that wonderful free traffic other Webmasters bragged about.
After all if you don’t learn how to build a website that generates targeted traffic…


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